The High Technology I have Specialized in is About to be Deployed en Mass; to be Adopted by Creatives and Big Business Alike.

Tay H
Nov 14, 2020


“Hey Tay! I saw a Robot at the Super Market the other day… His name is Marty!”

“Yo! The new iPhone has lasers in it!”

“Map Lady, is this AI?”

These are some of the quips heard upon my return to New York after half a decade on the road as The Map Lady. Yup. Everyone from my grandmother to my theatre friends to the hang-arounds at the local bar have had a personal interaction with Geospatial Technologies, Machine Vision, and other tools once reserved.

For the last 2 years I have been working to push the possibilities and applications for Mobile LiDAR Systems, deploying survey-grade 3D mapping tools for use in built and natural environments, from caves to sky-scrapers. The applications for and industries uptaking Mobile LiDAR is unlimmited; the players arriving in this arena- Wild Cards.

The history and science lessons will be paused, as this is my shot at a blog, and I am learning my voice and words carry further in the now tense.

While i have never wanted or needed a new iphone, i have never been in this position; who knows if this type scenario will be again for me, or if this is even normal: The world is about to have access to what I have explicitly mastered in at scale and the implications are reshaped daily. This is my time now.



Mobile LiDAR + Geospatial Technology Expert, Running her consultancy and dealership, living the van life while developing hardware/software solutions.